"The ability to capture the same event is to get out of time... it is necessary to train in that temporality of happening...
allowing ourselves to inhabit that attention
that every intention obstructs..."
"Perhaps to begin to perceive from a whole, instead of from separate individualities."
Chantal Maillard
"The world manifests through us and by dint of not understanding... we dance. "
Roland Barthes
The Art of Happening is, both in essence and in practice, the capacity to attend to the possibilities presented by the moment: A cultivation of that which allows us to be in the middle of things, to not take anything for granted and to not anticipate the course of events.
To experiment in the Art of Happening is to give body to experience itself. Through it, we allow ourselves to learn to “accompany Time”, to be “in the air” of any movement and to discover, in transit, the possibility of inhabiting any space.
We are moved by the space that we simultaneously create. And attaining the required degree of openness towards what may occur in that very moment, is almost the fundament of any movement. So it’s not so much about bodies moving in space, as it is about how to make space move in bodies, and (by extension) moving the body in concert with that…..…co-moving in the art of being breathed.
“Event” is hidden, unfolding its potential in the transit between one gesture and another. In this way, it makes every instant a window of possibility, a door to open.
To excavate the language of the body is to clear access, dilate hearing – gaze- touch. To make space for reception and resonance, with “breath work” being the process of unblocking through which we channel the flow of energy and harmonize intuition with real time.
A body consists of its potential to deploy…to space…to dance fleetingly, impregnated and pierced to the degree of its unblocking. All discovery results from experience - where something sprouted from there having been some con-”tact”