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Natalia Fernandes

Natalia is  a dancer, choreographer and  teacher /creator of Invented Anatomy.

She is Brazilian, from Sao Paulo, and has lived in Madrid since 2017. Currently, she’s an interpreter in the productions of Jesús Rubio Gamo (Gran Bolero - Premio Max 2020 - and Simple Actions), Poliana Lima (Things Move But They Say Nothing ) and Sebastian Hirn (10 Trials and No More Reels).

As  creator she is developing er new solo with the support of residencies at the Canal Dance Center, the Conde Duque Contemporary Art Center, La Caldera - Barcelona with a residency at the Los Barros space by Elena Córdoba and Carlos Mrquerie and also at the Carlos University III of Madrid.

She is part of the Conde Duque Winter School in 2021-2022, and continues  to research the Invented Anatomy method in all areas of her work as an artist.

Her creations have received support in Spain since 2015. The solo Anatomy and Strategy was the winner of Me, Myself and I at the 29th Madrid Choreographic Contest, and continues with its choreographic installation format in spaces such as: Festival Ellas Crean, Las Vivas, Botín Center, Museum of Human Evolution, Costume Museum, SURGE Madrid, among others. The LINGUA duet was the piece that received the most awards at the 33rd Madrid Choreographic Contest, and its long version has been selected for the SURGE Madrid 2020 festival. The Serious Talk investigation was programmed in its video-dance version at the Dixon Theater in NYC, and at the Danza a Drift festival, in Latin America. This is just the germ of the choreographer's current investigation ¿Can we talk about Caetano?
Her training in dance takes place between the university context and the Brazilian contemporary scene, complemented by experiences with various choreographers and companies from Germany, Israel, Spain, India, among others, and, especially, her  artistic and personal experience in different countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the USA. It is in this mix where she recognizes her creative tools, her inventions, fictions and desires.

Her work as a performer for different choreographers continues to open creative paths to contemplate  practices as creator and teacher. The exercise of teaching nourishes her creativity and drives her to continue dancing. With  Invented Anatomy classes, a physical time for the investigation of the body that imagines and then dances, is found. The choreographer has taught classes for places and companies such as: 3rd Cairo International Gathering For University Theater, Escuela Profesional de Danza  ́Ana Lagura ́ Castilla y León, Dantza Labea, Plasencia Elementary Dance Conservatory, University of Alicante, Carlos III University of Madrid, CDart, Teatro Pradillo, Descalzinha Danza, Estudio 3, Espacio Vilarinyo, Bambú Danza, Magdalena Creation Encounters, Carmen Senra School, Fango Collective, La Escena Roja, La Madre del Cordero Collective, Cia Germen, etc.

In this non-static balance of things is where her  body dances.

She understands creative process as my way of thinking and being in the world and maintains a constant desire to take the body that dances to other places, other times and see dance endure  in the world.

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